Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Catch Up Week #8 (Feb. 18-24)

No, we're not going to have a group catch up week, or even a catch up day this week for that matter. Instead, since the High Schoolers at S.B.H.S. have the week off school, this is would be a great time to get some extra reading done if you're behind. But I promise that we will have some more catch up reading days (and some light reading days) soon.

Here is this week's reading schedule:

Sunday: Psalm 26-27
Monday: 1 Kings 1-2
Tuesday: 1 Kings 3-6
Wednesday: 1 Kings 7-8
Thursday: 1 Kings 9-10
Friday: Proverbs 2-3
Saturday: 1 Kings 11-13

I enjoyed reading Amos this week. In fact I enjoyed it so much that I read it in 3 different translations. Knowing that Amos prophesied during a time of peace and prosperity in Israel made me think of the parallels of living in modern America.

Here's a brief introduction to 1 Kings:

1 Kings begins with the death of King David (about 970 B.C.) and the magnificent reign of his son, Solomon, who wrote much of Israel’s wisdom literature. Solomon’s unfaithfulness later in life set the stage for general rebellion among the people. The harsh policies of his son Rehoboam led to the revolt of the northern tribes under King Jeroboam I, and the division of Israel. The northern tribes would subsequently carry the name Israel, while the southern tribes would be called Judah. 1 Kings describes the construction of the temple in Jerusalem, and the importance of proper worship. God’s faithfulness to his people is shown as he sent prophets, most notably Elijah, to warn them not to serve other gods. The author of this book is unknown.

Take special note on Friday when you read Proverbs 2-3 that it was king Solomon who wrote these incredible words of wisdom, then watch what happens on Saturday when even the wisest man who ever lived (other than Jesus Christ) does not follow his own teaching. Truly a sad ending to a great life.

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