Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hey Theology Students

For all of you who weren't in class last week or missed Wednesday night this week, we will not be having our Sunday Night Theology class this week (Sunday, January 27th) due to the all church business meeting. We will continue next week immediately after the Superbowl... which we will all we watching at the Sando's home.

Also, Saturday night there will be a special prayer meeting for the High Schoolers at my house before the Saturday night prayer session at the church. The High School prayer gathering will be at 6:30 at my house on Saturday night, and the main session begins at 7:30 at the church. I hope a lot of you guys will be able to make it.

God bless!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

What's Up With Job?

First of all, in case you're wondering how long it'll be until we're done, it should be only a few more weeks. With all of the "catch-up" days we had and taking some time off for things like camp, we ended up falling just a little behind. But remember, as we talked about at the beginning, it's not a race but learning to develop the good and godly habit of spending time in God's word.

Now to Job... this book is considered one of the greatest poems ever written by both literary and theological standards as it deals with the problem of human suffering and God's loving control of all things (often referred to as His 'sovereignty'). It also contrasts the supremacy of God's wisdom over the human wisdom of Job and his friends.

I know we are reading what appears to be bigger sections than what we usually do, but the flow of this book is different from a lot of what we've previously read. My favorite part of this book is the end when God silences all of the accusations. I know that this is a rebuke we could all stand to hear quite regularly...

Happy Reading in 2008!