Tuesday, July 31, 2007

After Camp (July 29-Aug 4)

Hey Readers,

In the one year reading schedule, here's what's up this week:

Sunday: Psalm 74-75
Monday: Jeremiah 26-29
Tuesday: Jeremiah 30-31
Wednesday: Jeremiah 32-34
Thursday: Jeremiah 35-38
Friday: Jeremiah 39-42
Saturday: Proverbs 18

For those of you who were at camp and have given up on the one year Bible reading, I hope that you were encouraged by Dewey's challenge. If you are able to read one chapter of the New Testament every day, by the time you pay for camp next year you will have read the entire New Testament. And it only takes 5 minutes.

Remember, set realistic goals. God loves a faithful heart.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Rest of July (July 15-28)

Hello Readers,

Here is the schedule for the remainder of July. I'm posting this now because I will be gone the next two weeks at Jr. High and Sr. High School camp at Hartland. Since it is mostly High Schoolers who are reading, we will continue the first week, but we will take a break the second week (during Sr. High School week). If you are reading and not going to camp, feel free to read what you'd like, but strive to stay in the discipline.

July 15-21
Sunday: Psalm 73
Monday: Jeremiah 9-11
Tuesday: Jeremiah 12-14
Wednesday: Jeremiah 15-18
Thursday: Jeremiah 19-22
Friday: Jeremiah 23-24
Saturday: Proverbs 17

July 22-28
No Scheduled Reading

(high school camp week)

Have fun while you read and enjoy the beauty of summer!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Week #28 (July 8-14) Psalms

Hello Readers,

Here is this week's reading, which is going to be made up primarily from the Psalms. We're going to be doing this for two reasons:

1. We're running a little behind on the Psalms.
2. I love the Psalms, and I hope that the reading this week can fill us with praise to God as we read these beautiful and inspired songs and poems of praise.

Sunday: Psalm 44-48
Monday: Psalm 49-54
Tuesday: Psalm 55-59
Wednesday: Psalm 60-64
Thursday: Psalm 65-68
Friday: Psalms 69-72
Saturday: Proverbs 16

May you be filled with praise and joy as you read this week!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Week #27 (July 01-07)

Hello Readers,

Here is the schedule for this week:

Monday: Proverbs 15
Tuesday: 2 Samuel 22-23
Wednesday: 2 Samuel 24
Thursday: Jeremiah 1-3
Friday: Jeremiah 4-5
Saturday: Jeremiah 6-8

Jeremiah is one of the biggest books in the Bible, yet it seems that many Christians know very little about him. So as you read, here's a bit more background information about Jeremiah. He is often called the "weeping prophet" because of his persistent message of God's judgment, prophesied to the nation of Judah leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem. He often declared the coming judgment of God, however throughout the book we also see God's concern for repentance and righteousness in both individuals as well as nations. Jeremiah also prophesied of the new covenant in which God would write his law on human hearts so that they would know him and he would remember their sin no more (See Jeremiah 31:33-34).

Happy reading!