Sunday's reading was chapters 10-12. I'll post some comments on Sunday's reading as well as attempt to answer Jared's questions as best as I can. First, here are a couple things from these chapters:
- A mighty angel appears with a little scroll. This angel appears with much of God's glory and gives John this little scroll, which he is commanded to eat. When he does, it tastes as sweet as honey but turns his stomach sour.
- Two witnesses appear and prophecy in Jerusalem for 1260 days. They are called olive trees and lampstands, which may symbolize being representatives from God of truth with a message of peace. These two messengers perform many signs and wonders before being killed and then being resurrected. Some think that these witnesses represent Moses and Elijah (the great prophets of the Old Testament), Enoch and Elijah (two prophets from the Old Testament who did not die), or even the Old Testament ruling and priestly offices of Zerubbabel and Joshua.
- The seventh trumpet judgment is blown and a declaration of God's ultimate victory is proclaimed.
- The story of the woman, the child and the dragon. Although we can not be totally sure who the woman may be, we can be certain that the dragon is Satan from verse 9. It is most commonly understood that the woman represents Israel, and that the child is Christ (although some believe the child to be the church of Christ). This is the main section where we get the belief that 1/3 of the angels fell from heaven and following Satan became demons (as shown in verse 4).
To answer a few of Jared's questions from yesterday:
- A diadem is a crown worn by royalty which signifies power and authority. This is to show that this dragon had a lot of power and might... although clearly not enough to defeat Michael, the great arch angel of God.
- What was the silence in heaven for a half an hour all about? It's most likely that something happened when the seventh seal was broken that caused everyone in heaven to be a state of silent awe and worship. Remember, the breaking of the seventh seal also means that the scroll was opened revealing what was inside, which was not made known to us.
- Why was Jesus first called the lion of the tribe of Judah, then revealed to be a lamb that appeared to be slain? It is because Jesus is both strong and mighty (as symbolized by the lion) yet also the humble, perfect sacrifice (as symbolized by the lamb). Typically one is either strong or submissive, but Jesus is both. He had all power and authority, but laid it all down at the cross to die for our sins and take away God's wrath against us.
- A scroll was an ancient book. Since the did not have the ability to easily bind books in the way that we have them today, they would write on a long piece of parchment then roll it up and seal it to keep it shut (a lot like how we would roll up a map or blue prints to a building today).
I hope this helps answer a few of your questions. Enjoy your reading!
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