Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 7 of Read: Revelation

On Wednesday we completed the final chapters of Revelation, and the final chapters of our one year Bible reading adventure. I hope that for many of you a habit has been formed and that this is something that will be continued in your daily lives. Also, we'll keep using this blog page for updates with our Wednesday night programs and Sunday night Theology class.
Here's a summary of our final day of reading:
  • The inhabitants of heaven break out in celebration over the triumph of Christ over the evil system of the world. This is followed by the "wedding supper of the Lamb," which is the beginning of the perfect relationship of love Christ now has with His church.
  • Christ then appears on the earth riding a white horse (He is named "Faithful and True") and He destroys all of His enemies, including the two beasts.
  • Christ reigns on the earth for a thousand years, after which Satan is released for a short time to deceive the nations before being thrown into the lake of fire for his final and eternal judgment.
  • After this is the "great throne judgment" in which all the inhabitants of the earth are judged for eternity. They either enter into the kingdom of Christ or are cast into the lake of fire (hell) for eternal torment.
In chapters 21 and 22 John gives us a brief description of heaven. Rather than attempting to summarize it here, I would encourage you to read and re-read it for yourself. One thing I will note is Jesus' message to us at the end of the book: "Behold, I am coming soon," to which John replies (and we should as well) "Come Lord Jesus!"

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 6 of Read: Revelation

On Tuesday we read Revelation 16-18. At the beginning of chapter 16 we see the final 7-fold judgment of God called the "bowl judgments". Here is the judgment that comes when each bowl of wrath is poured out on the earth:
  • 1. Sores break out on those who worship the beast
  • 2. The seas turn to blood and everything in the sea dies.
  • 3. The fresh water (rivers and springs) turn to blood.
  • 4. The heat of the sun becomes intense scorching and burning people with fire.
  • 5. This judgment is specifically directed at the beast so that his kingdom is "plunged into darkness". Apparently his followers are in such agony that they gnaw on their own tongues.
  • 6. The Euphrates river dries up so that the kings of the east can prepare themselves for battle against God. Also, the demons which possessed the beast and false prophet are released to go gather the kings of the whole world, and these demons appear like frogs.
  • 7. This is the end of God's judgment upon the earth (see Rev. 15:1), and God declares from the great city that "it is done!" while a great earthquake shakes the whole earth.
In chapter 17 we see the destruction of the woman who is on the beast. She is called Babylon, which is the world's system that is directly opposed to Jesus Christ. In this chapter we see its destruction and in chapter 18 we see the angels in heaven rejoicing over her destruction while the evil inhabitants of the earth mourn for her destruction.
Did you notice all of the different numbers listed in chapter 17 surrounding the description of Babylon? As you can imagine, the angel is correct in telling John in 17:9 that "this calls for a mind of wisdom." How many symbolic numbers did you find (ie. how many hills are listed? how many kings?).
Remember: tonight we are finishing our study and will be eating pizza. Come hungry! And remember, it's Jack Knoll's birthday too!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day 5 of Read: Revelation

Monday's reading was Revelation 13-15. In this section we are getting to the end of the judgments upon humans before the final battle takes place and the final judgment comes upon Satan, his angels and humans.
In this section we are introduced to two different beasts that are in league with the devil--one from the sea and one from the earth. It is understood that the first one is the Antichrist and the other is the prophet of the Antichrist. The number of the beast (also known as man's number) is made known at the end of chapter 13, which is 666. This number has confused scholars since the book of Revelation was written, which is probably why John said that it calls for wisdom. One understanding of it is that if 7 is the number of completeness (the number of God... see Rev. 1:12, 1:19 and 4:5), than 6 is a number of incompleteness. Therefore 666 would be a trinity of incompleteness or evil represented by Satan, the Antichrist and his prophet.
We also see the 144,000 Hebrew believers resisting the evil one as the follow Christ, the Lamb.
We also see 3 angels, each given a message.
  • This first declares the eternal gospel to all on earth and commands the earth to fear God and give Him glory for his judgment is coming
  • The second angel proclaims the destruction of the world's great system that is opposed to God (called "Babylon").
  • The third angel warns all humans of the destruction that will come upon them if they worship and follow after the beast. This angel also gives a message of comfort to the followers of Christ who are suffering persecution from the beast.
Finally we see the harvest of the earth, which is a symbol of judgment. It appears that at this time there are many who are taken from the earth before the 7 plagues come upon the earth in chapter 15.
Keep at it. Only 2 more days of reading before our Revelation Pizza Party/Jack's birthday party on Wednesday night.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Day 4 of Read: Revelation

Sunday's reading was chapters 10-12. I'll post some comments on Sunday's reading as well as attempt to answer Jared's questions as best as I can. First, here are a couple things from these chapters:
  • A mighty angel appears with a little scroll. This angel appears with much of God's glory and gives John this little scroll, which he is commanded to eat. When he does, it tastes as sweet as honey but turns his stomach sour.
  • Two witnesses appear and prophecy in Jerusalem for 1260 days. They are called olive trees and lampstands, which may symbolize being representatives from God of truth with a message of peace. These two messengers perform many signs and wonders before being killed and then being resurrected. Some think that these witnesses represent Moses and Elijah (the great prophets of the Old Testament), Enoch and Elijah (two prophets from the Old Testament who did not die), or even the Old Testament ruling and priestly offices of Zerubbabel and Joshua.
  • The seventh trumpet judgment is blown and a declaration of God's ultimate victory is proclaimed.
  • The story of the woman, the child and the dragon. Although we can not be totally sure who the woman may be, we can be certain that the dragon is Satan from verse 9. It is most commonly understood that the woman represents Israel, and that the child is Christ (although some believe the child to be the church of Christ). This is the main section where we get the belief that 1/3 of the angels fell from heaven and following Satan became demons (as shown in verse 4).
To answer a few of Jared's questions from yesterday:
  • A diadem is a crown worn by royalty which signifies power and authority. This is to show that this dragon had a lot of power and might... although clearly not enough to defeat Michael, the great arch angel of God.
  • What was the silence in heaven for a half an hour all about? It's most likely that something happened when the seventh seal was broken that caused everyone in heaven to be a state of silent awe and worship. Remember, the breaking of the seventh seal also means that the scroll was opened revealing what was inside, which was not made known to us.
  • Why was Jesus first called the lion of the tribe of Judah, then revealed to be a lamb that appeared to be slain? It is because Jesus is both strong and mighty (as symbolized by the lion) yet also the humble, perfect sacrifice (as symbolized by the lamb). Typically one is either strong or submissive, but Jesus is both. He had all power and authority, but laid it all down at the cross to die for our sins and take away God's wrath against us.
  • A scroll was an ancient book. Since the did not have the ability to easily bind books in the way that we have them today, they would write on a long piece of parchment then roll it up and seal it to keep it shut (a lot like how we would roll up a map or blue prints to a building today).
I hope this helps answer a few of your questions. Enjoy your reading!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 3 of Read: Revelation

Today we read chapters seven to nine. In the beginning of the reading we see those who are sealed by God, 144,000 total. I find it interesting that God makes it specifically clear that these are Jews (ethnic people from Israel) and that this is not some symbolic representation of Israel. The reason why we know this is because he takes the time to list out the specific tribes that they are from.
But what is equally as cool, especially for us non-Jews, is that in heaven every tribe, culture, language and nation will be represented. Out God is not a God of the Jews (or Americans) only, but of all people.
Finally, we see the final seal judgment given (which isn't actually described except that it says there was silence in heaven for about a half an hour) before the 7 trumpet judgments come. Here are the first 6 of the 7 trumpet judgments:
  • 1) Hail and fire mixed with blood falls on the earth destroying a third of the earth's vegetation.
  • 2) Something appearing like a flaming mountain is thrown into the sea turning a third of it to blood and bring much destruction and death to the oceans.
  • 3) A great star falls from heaven which destroys a third of the earth's fresh water.
  • 4) The sun and moon and stars are blocked out for one third of the time they used to shine.
  • 5) A star falls to the earth and opens up a smoking abyss releasing locusts that torment the inhabitants of the earth that are not sealed by God for 5 months.
  • 6) Four angels are released and they kill a third of mankind.
This does not sound like a good time to be alive, especially for those not "sealed by God". What do you think it means to have the seal of God?

Friday, February 22, 2008

Day 2 of Read: Revelation

Hey Readers. Today we're reading chapters 4 to 6, and dealing with the first bit of prophecy in the book. Today's reading begins with an incredible description of the Throne Room of God in Heaven. I've read this passage many, many times and I still can't even begin to imagine the glory that is contained in this place. Here are some interesting observations from reading about God's Throne Room:
  • The praise of God never ceases
  • When John looks for the "Lion of Judah", who is the only one worthy to open the scroll of God, he sees a Lamb that looks as though it he had been slain. It's amazing to think that Jesus is represented by both the lion (one of the fiercest creatures on earth) and the lamb (one of the gentlest creatures on earth and one that is often used as a sacrifice).
  • One of the objects of worship in the biblical times was incense. In heaven, the incense that is offered to God in worship are the prayers of believers here on earth. I hope this brings a renewed perspective to your prayers to God... for they are a sweet smelling incense to Him in His holy and glorious throne room. When we pray, we don't just throw words up to heaven, but instead they are offered to God in His holy throne room as an object of worship that is pleasing to Him.
  • It is crystal clear in this passage that Jesus is God, for it says at the end of chapter five that only "him who sits on the throne (the Father) and the Lamb (Jesus) receive blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever."
Finally, what are the judgments that come upon the earth when the seals are broken on the scroll? In chapter 6, six of the seven judgments are listed. They are:
  1. 1) A rider on a white horse who conquers the world with a crown on his head and a bow in his hand.
  2. 2) A rider on a red horse with a great sword who takes peace from the world causing mankind to wage a bloody war against each other.
  3. 3) A rider on a black horse with measuring scales in his hand who appears to take over the world markets.
  4. 4) A rider on a pale horse, whose name is Death, and he kills a quarter of the earth's population with war, famine, pestilence and wild beasts.
  5. 5) A loud cry from believers who had been martyred because of their faith in Christ calling for judgment to come upon the earth.
  6. 6) A great worldwide earthquake that causes bizarre things to happen in the sky (sun going dark, moon looking like blood, stars falling to the earth). This causes the people of the earth, both great and small, to run and hide from the "wrath of the Lamb."
Let me know if you have any questions. I sure do...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Day 1 of Read: Revelation

Ok readers, here's the low down for the first day of reading Revelation. I hope that you were able to find time today to read chapters 1 to 3. Here's a couple things to keep in mind as you read:
  • The book was written by the Apostle John after receiving a revelation of Jesus Christ. The revelation that God gave him was in order "to show his servants the things that must soon take place."
  • Although this book is filled with prophecy and symbolism, the main theme and the main Character is Jesus Christ (notice the description of him in Rev. 1:13-16?).
  • This book was originally written to seven churches in the Roman province of Asia, which is now modern Turkey.
While addressing each church specifically, Jesus gives them a message of commendation (a pat on the back), of criticism (a smack upside the head), and of comfort (an arm around the shoulder). Can you note the commendation, criticism and comfort Jesus gives to each of the churches?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Nearing the End...

Hey Readers,
There is only one week left until we begin reading our final book... Revelation. We are going to be doing something different with Revelation, similar to what we did with the Gospel of Mark. Starting next Thursday we are inviting everyone to join us as we read Revelation and to join in the discussion. Here is what we'll be doing specifically for Revelation:
  • We will be reading a little less each day (approximately 3 chapters a day)
  • I will post insights and questions related to the reading each day here on the blog
  • We will also use this blog as a place for you to write in with your questions
  • I will be handing out the entire reading schedule with a study guide next week at our High School FUEL Bible Study, so be sure to get that if possible.
I'm looking forward to finishing the one-year reading with as many of you as possible. God bless you as you keep reading and knowing God through His Word.