Monday, October 15, 2007

Schedule Update

Hey Readers,

Just a quick note to let you know that the schedule has been updated in the right margin. Sorry for the delay. I hope that you've been enjoying Ezekiel.


Anonymous said...

Enjoying? How about completely convicted and glad to have a healthy fear of the Lord restored in my life. This last weeks reading is powerful insight into what the Lord expects from us. T Cook

Anonymous said...

is there homework for your SNAG class? i was bummed to miss it. thanks

Deanna said...

Um? Yesterday and today are both blank. Are we the only ones still doing this? We would love a schedule for at least 2 weeks at a time since we leave Friday morning and would like to stay up on it if possible....Unless due to lack of interest there is no longer going to be a schedule? Just let us know and we will adjust. Thanks!! :)

MandieCurtis said...

oops... I'll be updating it this morning. There is still a group of readers going through this.