Tuesday, July 31, 2007

After Camp (July 29-Aug 4)

Hey Readers,

In the one year reading schedule, here's what's up this week:

Sunday: Psalm 74-75
Monday: Jeremiah 26-29
Tuesday: Jeremiah 30-31
Wednesday: Jeremiah 32-34
Thursday: Jeremiah 35-38
Friday: Jeremiah 39-42
Saturday: Proverbs 18

For those of you who were at camp and have given up on the one year Bible reading, I hope that you were encouraged by Dewey's challenge. If you are able to read one chapter of the New Testament every day, by the time you pay for camp next year you will have read the entire New Testament. And it only takes 5 minutes.

Remember, set realistic goals. God loves a faithful heart.

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